Update: Theater Add-on 1.0.1

Backlight 1.0.4 Release 2 and Theater Add-on 1.0.1 are now available.

Backlight 1.0.4 Release 2 is a minor release, and including a small fix for Fotomoto users, and some support improvements for Theater Add-on 1.0.1.

The Theater Add-on update brings refinements to existing presentation types, and several new presentation types.

If updating to Theater Add-on 1.0.1, please first update to Backlight 1.0.4 Release 2!

Video: HTML5 Video

Theater can now be used to present locally-hosted video using HTML5. The implementation should be instantly familiar to CE4 Stage users that managed video pages using publisher, i.e. video files go into a consolidated /videosrc folder, and the video file name then fills in for Video ID in the publisher. Easy!

HTML5 Video Demo

Vegas Slideshow, Inline slideshows

In 1.0.0, Vegas Slideshow was used for full-screen gallery presentations. For 1.0.1, Vegas can now be used to create full-screen or inline slideshows. The implementation has changed between versions, so users with existing full-screen gallery templates will need to revisit their settings:

  • Set Presentation Type: Vegas Slideshow
  • Set Presentation Style: Full-screen

Your existing full-screen galleries should then be fine.

Vegas Slideshow, Inline Demo

Compare: Juxtapose

The “Compare: TwentyTwenty” presentation was popular in CE4, but the TwentyTwenty script is sadly no longer being maintained, and crashes with newer versions of the jQuery library. Happily, Juxtapose makes for a fine replacement, and allows you to compare images in pairs.

Juxtapose Demo

Pym Embedded iFrame

The oddest of the bunch, Pym Embedded iFrame allows you to create responsive iframes for various types of locally hosted content. To be honest, I am unable to quantify the full extent of Pym’s possibilities or limitations; I’ve put this in largely because I found the script, it sounded neat, and I wanted to play with it. I do advise, some coding will be required to prepare your content to be embedded, and so I would say this one with for advanced users.

We have support documentation how to use Pym here, and some starter code you can download.

You might also want to check out Pym’s own documentation, and/or the blog post, Introducing Pym. The latter helps to explain the intent of the thing, and might give you some ideas the sorts of content it can/should be used for.

See Pym.js Demo

Changelogs and Updating

Backlight + Pages 1.0.4 Release 2

  • Changes Fotomoto “Register Images” button to only appear on Fotomoto-enabled albums.
  • Adds adjustments to the standard-page module to support the Theater update.
  • Adds location option for albums embedded within pages.

To update from Backlight+Pages 1.0.4 to Backlight+Pages 1.0.4 Release 2:

IMPORTANT: Do NOT replace the entire backlight directory! Doing so will remove ALL data and settings!

Remove and re-upload the following files and directories:

  • backlight/modules/module-pages/
  • backlight/modules/standard-album/
  • backlight/modules/standard-page/

Clear the Designer Template Cache by visiting Backlight -> Designer -> Templates -> Clear Template Cache

Theater Add-on 1.0.1

  • Adds support for breadcrumb
  • Adds max-width slider to general album settings
  • Improves styling for still-image presentation
  • Moves border and box-shadow controls from Still Image to General album settings, allowing settings to be applied to video presentations as well
  • Adds presentation type, Compare: Juxtapose
  • Adds support for HTML5 video embedding
  • Adds support for inline slideshows to Vegas Slideshow presentation
  • Adds “Pym Embedded iFrame” as a presentation type
  • Adds various improvements and bug fixes

To update to Theater 1.0.1, replace the following files and directories:

  • backlight/modules/module-theater/